2nd encounters between “La Loire à Vélo” players

Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 04 April 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

To be held on Thursday 31 March 2011 and organised by Mission Val de Loire on behalf of the Centre and Pays-de-la-Loire Regions, these encounters bring together service providers already bearing the “Loire à Vélo” (Loire by Bicycle) label and those likely to join the scheme, along with the project managers (General Councils and Agglomerations). They are an occasion to take stock of the past season and to take a look at projects for the coming year.

300 labelled service providers

From a total of 23 service providers in January 2009, numbers have grown to 300 service providers in January 2011 – making 277 new players in the tourism sector activated in the space of two years. They each meet one of the 4 referentials covered: accommodation provider, renter/repairer, visit site, and tourist office. 

The 2nd encounters between “Loire à Vélo” players will provide the professionals involved with an opportunity to obtain full information on development of itineraries and communication actions planned for 2011, and to share their experiences. 

Encounters Programme

9:30 am: Welcoming participants 

10 am: Introduction 

10:15 am: 

  • Presentation of routes developed for cyclists
  • Promotion and communication actions
  • Assessment of the “Loire à Vélo” brand

12 am: Visit to the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud 

1 pm: Lunch 

2 pm: 

  • Release of the enquiry on “La Loire à Vélo” frequentation carried out by the Pays de la Loire SPR and the Centre CRT
  • Presentation of innovative projects
  • Exchanges

4 pm: Conclusion 

Each point will form the subject of a presentation and a discussion. 


M. and Mme Baudrier, Le Clos de l’Orchidée – La Chapelle aux Naux: 

“We are the owners of a fine tuffeau residence dating back to the 18th century, in which we have fitted out five guestrooms with a total capacity of 12 people. We also provide a table d'hôtes. Joining the brand has enabled us to discover a new clientele, meet people active in the same profession, and share experiences and know-how in order to serve our customers better and help in the development of ‘La Loire à Vélo’.” 

Denis Doussin, Vert Event – Angers: 

“I have been working since 2008 as a seller, renter and repairer of electric and classic bicycles. There was demand from tourists and locals alike interested in exploring the Loire and its surroundings, which gave us the idea of developing a gentler means of transport. In order to offer such a service, we needed visibility and a qualification. “La Loire à Vélo” met our needs perfectly. The synergies that we enjoy between the various institutions enable us to make the very best of and therefore promote our region” 

New routes in 2010

Several new sections of the “Loire à Vélo” cycling routes were inaugurated in 2010.   

For September 2010, we may mention: 

  • Sandillon / Châteauneuf-sur-Loire (45)
  • Candé-sur-Beuvron / Chaumont-sur-Loire (41)
  • Muides-sur-Loire (41) [Photo opposite]
François Bonneau, Président de la Région Centre / Maurice Leroy, Député et Président du CG41 / Bernard Clément, Maire de Muides-sur-Loire / Claude Denis, Président de la CCBL.

Photo: François Bonneau, President of the Centre Region Centre / Maurice Leroy, Deputy and President of Loir-et-Cher General Council / Bernard Clément, Mayor of Muides-sur-Loire / Claude Denis, President of the CCBL. 

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