2018 Nature & Landscape Biennial: water

Published on 14 February 2018 - Updated 16 March 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The next edition of the Nature & Landscape Biennial, organised by the CAUE 41 and Agglopolys, will deal with the theme of “water”, incorporating historic, landscape, environmental and architectural dimensions. It will take place on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 March in Blois. It will be preceded by the international “Water(s) and Landscape(s)” symposium, aimed at researchers, which will take place in Blois on 14 and 15 March.

The new format for the Biennial, inaugurated in 2016, is being strengthened for this 5th edition: debates, walks, screenings and sound installations, etc. will be added to the traditional conferences, round table sessions and workshops. 

The sessions on offer over these 2 days include: 

  • the introductory round table session “Gérer la ressources : user sans abuser” (Managing resources: using without abusing), with presentations from the Centre-Val de Loire DREAL, Centre-Loire delegation of the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency, and the joint association for developing the Cisse basin
  • the round table session "Gérer le risque : une histoire des risques, la mémoire de l’eau” (Risk management: a history of risks, water’s memory), with presentations on the GEMAPI (management of aquatic environments and flood prevention) competence, the Blois region’s Territorial Coherency Plan (SCOT) and the Matra neighbourhood in Romorantin;
  • the debate-walk "Enseigner l'eau dans le projet de paysage” (Water education in a landscape project), with, in particular, feedback from laboratory conclusions for the “Habiter l’eau" (Living at the water's edge) projects with Isabelle Lajeunesse, head of the ETP (Environment, Territory, Landscape) Master’s degree at the University of Tours, David Montembault, professor and head of research at Agrocampus and Myriam Laidet, “Habiter l’eau" project manager for Mission Val de Loire;
  • the round table session “Aménager le territoire de l’eau” (Developing the water region), with introductory remarks on the “Envie de Loire” (Loire desires) ideas competition;
  • the round table session "L'eau qui dessine la ville” (The water which shapes the city), with a presentation of the "Jardins Nouvel’R” project in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps;
  • a sound installation "Au long de la Loire” (Along the Loire), at the Abbé Grégoire library;
  • exhibitions, events and conferences which will be of interest to young and old, enthusiasts and the simply curious alike, amongst others.

“Water is a global issue: whether too much falls or it is sorely lacking, it is the starting point for all forms of life, for all projects. Public policies are guided and regions are organised around the major questions concerning its collection, filtration, storage, control and management. This vital resource does not just supply our networks, it is fundamental to our imaginations, our beliefs and our artistic practices. Long controlled and excessively constrained, it has shown its strength and is now treated more leniently, becoming an advantage for a development project.” 



The “Water(s) and Landscape(s)” symposium

Organised as part of the 2018 Nature & Landscape Biennial, by the School of Nature and Landscape Architecture of the Centre-Val de Loire National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), this symposium will be a forum for scientific exchanges and debates around issues bringing together water and landscapes. 

The symposium looks to compare researcher rationale with operational feedback, in particular through the issue of risk or notion of heritage. That is why this symposium is open to all kinds of professionals (researchers, developers, designers, engineering departments, elected representatives and departments of local authorities, etc.). The symposium seeks to improve collective expertise regarding these regional issues and to highlight contemporary areas of convergence and divergence. 

Three themes are focused on: 

  • Constructing water landscapes in the long-term
  • Water landscapes and regional projects, new challenges?
  • Water landscapes in cities, urban project landscapes





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