20 classes for the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley World Heritage site

Published on 30 September 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 3 ans

From 16 to 20 November, 20 classes and 530 primary school pupils attended a discovery day about the Loire, giving them an insight into the history of the river and its residents through the example of Loire rivercraft. This initiative was designed with the Fédération des Maisons de Loire and Kit Et Colle for the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley’s listing as a UNESCO World Heritage.

Mission Val de Loire, the  Fédération des Maisons des Loire  and  Kit et colle  designed an educational project involving a cardboard model of a traditional Loire boat: the chaland. The aim was to teach primary school pupils about the Loire and its heritage, through the example of Loire rivercraft (from yesterday and today).  

In all, 20 classes and nearly 530 children enjoyed taking part in a discovery day about the Loire and its heritage.  

The morning was given over to educational workshops, which gave the pupils the keys to understanding the link between the Loire and its residents, before a model of a Loire chaland was built and given to them, together with an educational booklet. 

The afternoon unfolded down on the riverbanks, near the school, with a view to becoming better acquainted with the Loire Valley and its history. 

A video going back over the day:  

14 schools within the Inscribed Site


2 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary classes from Gutenberg school in Orléans  


1 mixed class of 9-11 year olds from Muides-sur-Loire
1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from Rilly-sur-Loire school
1 mixed class of 8-10 year olds from Lorjou school in Saint-Denis-sur-Loire
1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from Cécile Rol Tanguy school in Blois
2 classes of 9-10 year olds from Buhler school in Blois  


1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from Jeanne Boisvinet school in Savonnières
2 mixed classes of 9-11 year olds from Vouvray primary school
1 mixed class of 9-11 year olds from Pierre Semard school in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps
4 mixed classes of 9-11 year olds from Marmoutier school in Tours  


1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from François Guilbault school in Brissac Loire Aubance 
1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from Fontevraud-l'Abbaye school
1 final-year (10-11 year olds) primary class from Jules Verne school in Gennes-Val de Loire
1 class of 7-11 year olds from Saint-Aubin school in Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne  

Press review

And for a lowdown about the background to the project, you can listen to the various partners presenting it this summer:  

This initiative is financed by Mission Val de Loire with support through the State-Region inter-regional plan contracts.  



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