2 winners for the 2018 artist-in-residence programme at La Colombière

Published on 23 July 2018 - Updated 10 September 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Two winners have been announced for this 4th artist-in-residence programme at La Colombière: Ladislas Combeuil, a visual artist and sculptor, and Déborah Aubert, a State-qualified landscape architect and visual artist. For six weeks, they will present their interpretation of the Loire Valley cultural landscape and its portrayals.

Ladislas Combeuil's residency runs from 23 June until 3 August. A graduate from Angers School of Fine Arts, his work alternates between sculpture and painting and combines a range of functional, decorative and mathematical approaches.  

Déborah Aubert was born in 1990. A graduate from Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture, her creations make use of cartographic arrangements, perceptible drawings of objects or enhanced mock-ups to examine the shifting nature of landscapes. In residence at La Colombière from 4 August until 14 September, her project will endeavour to show the sedimentation of human-land-Loire interactions to throw their wealth into sharp relief.  

Their work will be displayed during the European Heritage Days, on 15 and 16 September, at La Colombière.  

La Colombière's artist-in-residence programme has been made possible by a partnership between the Institut de France, Mission Val de Loire and municipality of Gennes-Val-de-Loire (Maine-et-Loire). Its aim is to provide a creative residency on the cultural landscape of the Loire Valley and its portrayals.  



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