1000 landscapes in actions

Published on 17 June 2015 - Updated 01 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

From 6 to 21 June, the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy and regional stakeholders are launching the first "Urban nature and landscape festival". Events are listed on the website "1000 paysages en actions" (1000 landscapes in actions) which also mentions long-lasting projects as part of the national action plan for reclaiming landscapes.

The listing of projects will continue with five main objectives in mind: 

  • Educating and raising awareness about landscape
  • Planning together
  • Developing rural, urban and outlying areas
  • Combining the energy transition with landscape design
  • Combining agro-ecology with landscape management



Survey among professionals

With the support of several partners, the Ministry is launching the first national online survey with a view to: 

  • identifying those missions to do with landscape that are being conducted within public and para-public structures
  • finding out the professional profile of the people who are currently conducting such missions

The findings will be presented and disseminated to raise general awareness about landscape-related professions. 

This survey runs until midnight on 15 July 2015



On this website:



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