10 new flood markers set up in Orleans

Published on 28 February 2014 - Updated 05 March 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Action taken to inform the public and raise awareness of flood risks now includes the placing of 10 new flood markers designed to keep the memories of past floods alive – an addition to the 40 or so historical markers already in place in the Orleans flood-risk area.

Their installation was made possible thanks to technical support provided to the city by EP Loire (Loire Public Establishment). 

Following identification and topographical levelling surveys, all data measured was validated in coordination with the competent State services. The flood markers and explanatory notices alongside them were supplied to the municipality free of charge, and were set up by the latter in accordance with information transmitted by EP Loire. 

Approval of the PPRI in late 2014


During the course of 2014, Orleans Municipal Council will be pronouncing upon the draft Plan de Prévention du Risque Inondation (PPRI – Flood Risk Prevention Plan), which will be submitted to public inquiry before approval at the year’s end. The Loiret Prefecture recommended revising it in its order of 6 February 2012. As a reminder, the document in question is meant to delimit areas in a territory that are exposed to flood risks and recommend preventive and protective measures minimising danger to people and property. 

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