The Banks of the Loire

Published on 01 October 2014 - Updated 14 December 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

People still sail along the river even though it hasn’t been navigable upstream of Ponts-de-Cé since 1957, and its banks are becoming increasingly populous, with farmers, fishermen and bargees being joined by riverside inhabitants and ever-growing numbers of tourists, for whom their outstanding landscapes provide settings for leisure activities, relaxation, walking, hiking, boating and cycling.

Since 2011, as a partner of local authorities and the State, Mission Val de Loire has been holding professional workshops focusing on questions of maintenance and restoration of the river’s heritages and landscapes, as well as on adapting its banks to present-day expectations. 

Local authorities that wish to develop projects bearing on rediscovery of the river and layout of its banks will find: 

  • Presentations of some 100 projects, including 19 in the form of detailed documents
  • Recommendations
  • A standardised model for spécifications.



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