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[Fr] Décès de Philippe Auclerc
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris aujourd'hui le décès de Philippe Auclerc, co-fondateur de la maison d'édition "Loire et terroirs" et rédacteur...
Published on 18 November 2020 - Updated 13 July 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans
Taking a fresh tour of the "Plaisir de Loire 1800-1970" exhibition through the audiovisual archives of the CICLIC regional collection, the web series "Plaisirs de Loire 1930-1980" gives an idea of the recreational activities that used to be practised along the river (bathing, fishing, boating, etc.) back in those days and thus shows the changing relationship between Loire residents and their river over time.
Taking a fresh tour of the "Plaisir de Loire 1800-1970" exhibition through the audiovisual archives of the CICLIC regional collection, the web series "Plaisirs de Loire 1930-1980" gives an idea of the recreational activities that used to be practised along the river (bathing, fishing, boating, etc.) back in those days and thus shows the changing relationship between Loire residents and their river over time.
Bathing, fishing, boating, contemplating or simply whiling away time: people have enjoyed interacting with the Loire in many different ways. In the 19th and 20th centuries, specific developments were rolled out for leisure purposes alongside the Loire: bathing, boating and fishing were indulged in right the way along… while at other times simply watching an event or contemplating the river was pleasure enough.
Over a shorter period of time (1930 – 1980), the web series invites you to learn more about these "Joys of the Loire" in 6 video episodes:
Recreational fishing in the Loire became a popular pastime in the late 19th –early 20th century. It held mainstream appeal and traditions emerged, including parades during fishing competitions. With its specialist magazines, appointed institutions and big public gatherings… Fishing was a bit like football today!
Whether with an oar or a paddle, sail or a motor, recreational boating on the Loire and its tributaries gained considerable traction through the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Loire always used to be somewhere people came to bathe – to cool off or to perfect one’s swimming technique... Although this practice is now banned, many people would like to be able to take up these leisure activities of old once again!
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The heritage unit at Ciclic, a regional branch of the Centre for books, images and digital culture in the Centre-Val de Loire, collects, conserves and showcases amateur footage filmed in the Centre-Val de Loire region to bring to life a regional audiovisual past.
Recognising the wealth of this collection, Mission Val de Loire has signed a partnership agreement with Ciclic to craft narratives from these audiovisual archives.
In the context of the podcasts produced this summer, we talked about CICLIC’s work with Rémi Pailhou, who heads up the Heritage unit.
The "Plaisirs de Loire (1930-1970)" project is part of the Avoir 20 ans dans le Val de Loire programme celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley’s listing as a World Heritage site.
This project received support from the State-Region inter-regional plan contract, the Centre-Val de Loire Region in the context of Nouvelles Renaissances and the Pays de la Loire Region .
Directed by: Avril Films
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