Over 200 local elected representatives find out about UNESCO inscription

Published on 03 November 2014 - Updated 05 November 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The 12 information sessions organised by Mission Val de Loire for the listed site’s local authority elected representatives saw the participation of 216 elected representatives in all along with a number of staff from 106 local authorities and 24 partners. With an average of 20 participants each, the sessions focused on interaction and exchange, complemented by contributions from Mission Val de Loire and its partners (Loire-Anjou Touraine RNP, Maisons de Loire, VPAH, CAUE and Urban Planning Agencies), and feedback from elected representatives.

After asking participating elected representatives what they considered as constituting their territory’s heritage, Mission Val de Loire presented what UNESCO inscription recognised as World Heritage, with an accompanying field trip and series of photographs to illustrate their presentation. 

Feedback from elected representatives served as a starting-point for exchanges on how local authority action might take account of heritage and landscapes in terms of development strategy, project planning and territorial animation. 

Finally, the listed site’s governance plan was presented, with a call from Mission Val de Loire to join the network of local correspondents that is setting up and which is to be officially launched at the Loire Valley Rendezvous on 25 November 2014. 

The municipalities that participated most were not necessarily those with the largest numbers of elected representatives, but were among those that hosted the meetings: Cléry-Saint-André (15 participants), Luynes (13), Mûrs-Erigné (8), Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire (7), and Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne and La Chaussée-Saint-Victor (6). 


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