Academy of Moral and Political Sciences prizes

Published on 19 December 2013 - Updated 06 January 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

The “Musée Loire et Métiers” association (Saint-Clément-des-Levées) has been awarded the Henri Texier II Prize in recognition of its volunteers’ work in restoring the altars of the Church of Saint Clement, patron saint of mariners. Yves Luginbühl was awarded the Édouard Bonnefous Prize for his book "La Mise en Scène du Monde, Construction du Paysage Européen". The prize highlights the most recent thought on landscape questions in the environmental debate.

From social sensibilities to the notion of environment, from “natural” to “cultural” landscapes, and from the notion of “beautiful nature” to “landscape construction”, the work explores how quality of living environment, democratic usages of the environment and ecological implications of the notion of landscape are reconciled. The author’s line of thinking draws upon the PDD (Paysage et Développement Durable – Landscape and Sustainable Development) and ITTECOP (Infrastructures de Transports Terrestres, ECOsystèmes et Paysages – Land Transport Infrastructures, Ecosystems and Landscapes) research programmes overseen by the Ministry of Ecology and to which Yves Luginbühl has made considerable contributions.  

Yves Luginbühl is President of Mission Val de Loire’s Scientific and Professional Council . 

Since its very beginnings, the Academy has awarded annual prizes rewarding the best works or in recognition of the most meritorious actions. It does so in much the same spirit as that in which the members of the National Convention founded the Institut de France: “To follow [...] those scientific and literary works created for general usefulness and the glory of the Republic” (8 Brumaire Year IV). 

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