Debates on ABF opinions in ZPPAUP protected zones

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

Under the “Grenelle 2 de l'environnement” law, the French Senate has restored the obligation for assents from Bâtiments de France architects (ABF) for buildings in ZPPAUP protected zones, which was deleted in the “Grenelle I” law. A debate has been set up by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.


Article 9 of the programming law no. 2009-967 of 3 rd August 2009 on the implementation of the French Environmental Forum - called the "Grenelle I" law - provides that the ABF opinion, prior to granting authorisation for building within architectural, urban and landscape heritage protection zones (ZPPAUP), is now a consultation procedure. (See Amendment of legislation for heritage in ZPPAUP)
The changes adopted by the Senate overnight from 17 th to 18 th September have restored the original provisions.
The French Ministry of Culture and Communication indicates in a ministerial response published in the French Official Journal on 08/09/2009 that "Mr Thierry Tuot, State Advisor, has just been tasked with holding debates for proposals between national and regional MPs and heritage protection and architecture professionals. The conclusions of these debates will be presented at a convenient time for the parliamentary schedule, the aim being to incorporate the work themes adopted in the "Grenelle II" law, the draft of which will be examined in Parliament in October."




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