Brissac becomes one of the Loire Valley great heritage sites

Published on 28 February 2013 - Updated 06 March 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

During the network’s annual plenary session, Château de Brissac became the 21st site involved in this drive for excellence, taking action in terms of promotion, quality and cultural mediation. This was an opportunity to look back over the actions taken in 2012 and to the prospects in 2013.

Overall, the sites report stable or slightly fewer visitor numbers, with entirely satisfactory results after an exceptional 2011 and a difficult economic context. Some sites even saw their visitor numbers soar: +12% to the Chaumont-sur-Loire Garden Festival, +17% to Château de Brézé, and +43% to Château de Saumur thanks to the reopening of the first floor rooms to the public. 

A study by the network office looked at the accuracy of the membership criteria and procedure for extending the network which was decided on at this session. 

Chinon Fortress became the 6th great heritage site to be awarded the “Qualité Tourisme” label, under the quality approach overseen by Touraine Tourist Board. The mean level of network members’ conformity has been rising steadily since 2009. What’s more, five new applications are expected in 2013. 

On this website:

Charles-André from Brissac made the most of the occasion to present Michaël Petitjean, Secretary-General of Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, with a Chaumont visitors’ book from the late 19th century. The sisters Marie and Jeanne Say had each lived in one of the two châteaux at this time. 




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