Supporting environmentally-friendly transport means

Published on 21 December 2016 - Updated 16 December 2019

Local stakeholders are showing signs of renewed interest in the development of environmentally-friendly transport means. This is a way of strengthening residents' ties with the river and becoming better acquainted with the territory, whilst contributing to a more continuous (rather than staggered) enhancement of it and better distribution of tourist flows. It also has the positive effect of extending visitors' average stays, thereby optimising the local benefits of tourism. How can the emergence of these new transport means be supported and facilitated? How can responsible management of the necessary services and developments be planned and ensured?

To know...

  • L’aménagement de modes de déplacements doux s’inscrit dans le moyen terme, plusieurs années séparant souvent les premières études de l’aménagement effectif des circuits.
  • Une réflexion spécifique doit être menée à l’échelle locale pour créer des boucles locales et faciliter la connexion avec les axes structurants, afin de proposer une variété d’itinéraires.
  • Une diversité de modes de déplacements doux peuvent être valorisés (pédestre, équestre, cycliste, fluvial). Leur combinaison dans une logique d’intermodalité est un véritable enjeu.


daily expenditure 

for tourists cycling along the  

La Loire à Vélo trail 

in 2015 

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How to ?

Check out the baseline documents, tools and methods:

Assess the resources, key issues and requirements

Environmentally-friendly routes must be developed on the basis of in-depth observation of residents' and visitors' existing uses and closely involve the local stakeholders. 

  • Identify the heritage points of interest and landscape viewpoints
  • Identify and develop economic activities and services (food, accommodation, bike rentals and repairs, local produce outlets, etc.)
  • Identify the key traffic issues (particularly through General Transport Plans/PGD) and clarify the development requirements

Plan and support the layout of routes and trails

  • Plan the services and fixtures along routes (rest areas, signage, etc.)
  • Involve the local stakeholders and support the roll-out of available services (food and accommodation options, etc.)