The heritage development strategy

Published on 19 November 2018 - Updated 13 December 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Strategies defined in the context of the SCoT, PLU and PLUi partner plans have been designed with four key priorities in mind.

  1. Shore up the heritage and landscape composition: in particular, safeguard the main balances of the river landscape, its associated aquatic environments, support its agricultural, mixed farming and forestry know-how and activities and shore up the centuries-old organisation of the space by keeping the upper hand over its plots of land;
  2. Bring out the character of the place: in particular, maintain the remarkable views, outlooks and inter-visibility, design landscape trails and qualify the surrounding areas of heritage sites as well as the entrances to towns and villages;
  3. Qualify contemporary uses: in particular, adapt the river and its banks to recreational use, encourage the conversion of caves carved out in the hillside for residential and tourist use, support the repurposing of built heritage and remarkable sites and foster this through regulations designed for a variety of uses;
  4. Contribute to the renewal of the region: in particular, ensure that projects are compatible with existing urban and architectural characteristics, and anticipate the impacts of climate change on landscapes.

See the tools and methods

  • Act
  • Guide pratique - Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire

The aim is to define a development strategy in keeping with the area’s World Heritage features. Such consideration has been a requirement since March 2017 and relies on the State's PAC information document, which includes a section on the key issues shaping the Loire Valley World Heritage.
  • Act
  • Guide pratique - Val de Loire patrimoine mondial et aménagement du territoire

The expected procedure in a PLU-PLUi: fine-tune the assessment and get practically to grips with the landscape issues identified in the SCoT by expressing them as measures in future building and planning permits. It has been a requirement to take World Heritage into account in PLU-PLUi plans since March 2017.



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