Awareness-raising on sensory and cognitive mediation of heritage

Published on 05 December 2011 - Updated 20 December 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

On Tuesday 15 November 2011, as part of the “accessibility/mediation” component of the “excellence” approach taken by the Grands sites du Val de Loire network, Mission Val de Loire, with the help of the Interface Handicap association and in partnership with the Château Royal d’Amboise, held a study and training day focusing on mediation of heritage for the hearing impaired and mentally disabled. Two further days devoted to mediation of the Loire Valley World Heritage site are scheduled for December.

Study and training day, 15 November 2011, Amboise

The 15 November session followed upon those held in  Angers in January 200 9 and in  Blois in February 201 0

26 people, representing 13 major sites, participated in the session, which focused on a variety of issues: 

  • definition of the different types of disability
  • definition of the needs and expectations of these sectors of the public
  • «“inventorying” of existing tools

During a visit to Château d’Amboise, participants were given the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the mediation tools in use at the château and enhancing its accessibility for the disabled. 


Verbal contributions by the head of a medical educational institute (IME), managers of associations, and members of Interface Handicap led to lively exchanges with staff from the sites themselves and from other organisations working in the same field. 

 Two contact bases have been created and made available to sites: 

  • One bearing on sensory and cognitive mediation of heritage for the hearing impaired and mentally disabled.
  • One, created in 2008 and bearing on sight impairment, has been updated.


Two training days in December 2011

Two training days on mediation of the Loire Valley World Heritage site have been organised for guides: 

  • 13 December, at Château de Blois
  • 15 December, at Château d’Angers

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