Study day on the sensory accessibility of heritage

Published on 09 February 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Held on 17 January 2009 at Chateau d’Angers as part of the Large Loire Valley Heritage Sites initiative, this seminar brought together 25 professionals from Loire Valley chateaux to discuss the issue of sensory accessibility to heritage for the visually impaired.


Céline Savaux, head of training for Interface Handicap, presented the results of the study carried out in 2008 which identified a number of assets, challenges and perspectives. Role plays and simulations allowed participants to identify possible facilities.
Three tasks then illustrated the subject with real examples:
  • How the issue has been dealt with at the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, by David Chatelier, head of audience accessibility in Nantes
  • Presentation of touch tools for the Apocalypse Tapestry, by Damien Perdriau, head of audiences with handicaps and other specific requirements at the Château d'Angers
  • Presentation of the partnership-based operations in which the Château d'Angers is involved: Office of Tourism (Angers Loire Tourisme) and associations.
Panneau en relief permettant aux déficients visuels de consulter le plan du site
A study day is also planned on heritage mediation and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Large Loire Valley Heritage Sites initiative



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