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- High water levels along the Loire and its tributaries
High water levels along the Loire and its tributaries - 1856 and 2016
Published on 25 April 2018 - Updated 28 May 2018
This publication seeks to put the pieces of the processes back in place that led to the high water level observed in June 2016, by drawing parallels with the floods of 1856. The levels of rainfall and its associated flows have been analysed for the Loire, its tributaries and sub-tributaries. The situation did not escalate as it did in 1856, the risks remained local, but the sheer amount of data available shows that catchment areas remain highly vulnerable and that the runoff can still extend beyond a high-probability pluviometric level. The towns along the Loire's banks face an ongoing hydrological risk.
On the web:

- Alain GIRET
- L'Harmattan
- 2018
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