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- The Brenne valley, from Château-Renault to the Loire
The Brenne valley, from Château-Renault to the Loire
Published on 05 June 2018 - Updated 14 June 2018
From Château-Renault to the Loire, the heritage of nine municipalities in Indre-et-Loire has been the subject of a detailed inventory. This publication presents the most significant buildings and objects among them. The town of Château-Renault once specialised in leather manufacture, and several tanneries have survived through to this day, testaments to its industrial past. The Châteaux of Valmer, Jallanges, La Côte and La Vallière along with myriad stately residences nestle within a land shaped for centuries by agriculture and viticulture. Some barns, which can be dated by tree-ring dating, hark back to the 15th century. There are some exceptional pieces of furniture to be found in the parish churches, and some quite unexpected items of public civilian furniture have also been identified.
On the web:

- Service Patrimoine et Inventaire Centre-Val de Loire
- Arnaud Paucton, Thierry Cantalupo
- Service Patrimoine et Inventaire Centre-Val de Loire
- Editions Lieux Dits
Collection ou revue
- Images du patrimoine n° 304
- 2018
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