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- Loire-Authion heritage diagnosis
Loire-Authion heritage diagnosis
Published on 02 October 2019 - Updated 09 May 2022
This heritage diagnosis is the result of a study conducted between June and December 2018 to draw up an inventory of the built heritage of the delegated municipalities of La Bohalle, La Daguenière and Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire.
The new municipality of Loire-Authion became part of the Angers conurbation on 1 January 2018. As such, this inventory process is part of the review of the conurbation's Inter-municipal Local Land Use Plan (PLUI).
This study complements the Diagnosis carried out in 2013, in partnership with Mission Val de Loire, in the village of Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire.
The first part of the study provides a summary of the specific features of the architecture and forms of housing of the three delegated municipalities. Then, in a technical report prepared for each of these municipalities, it aims to evaluate their wealth and heritage interest using maps and tables.
This document is therefore a knowledge, awareness-raising and decision-making tool made available to local stakeholders so that they can take their heritage into account in initiatives to manage, develop and enhance their territory.
On the web:

- Conservation départementale du patrimoine du Maine-et-Loire
- Jean-Noël Griffisch
Collection ou revue
- Diagnostic du patrimoine
- 2019
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