Edouard André, an adventurous landscape gardener

Published on 31 January 2018 - Updated 29 March 2019

The exhibition is organised around 3 defining features of Edouard André's identity. The first part presents the horticulturist and traveller. The second delves into his work as a landscape gardener: his beginnings, his agency, his designs in the Loire Valley and his legacy (with René Edouard André). The final part is devoted to Edouard André: the theoretician, writer and professor.

The 6 panels making up this exhibition: 

  1. An explorer of the plant world
  2. The diversity of projects of a successful artist
  3. The French landscape school, passing on and sharing a passion
  4. A region of choice: The Loire Valley
  5. Site and styles, towards a new form of garden
  6. René André (1867–1942), the garden legacy

It has been curated by Stéphanie de Courtois, a member of the Édouard André Association. 


Panneaux de présentation "Edouard André, un paysagiste aventurier" (PDF, 7.47 MB)  

To mark the "Gardens in the Loire Valley 2017" season, Mission Val de Loire put on 3 travelling "mini-exhibitions" for stakeholders and partners exploring the garden theme, aimed at rounding off the initiative: 

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