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- "Portraits de Loire"
"Portraits de Loire. Récits d'un bord de fleuve"
Published on 07 October 2019 - Updated 29 October 2019
For two years, author and photographer Véronique Popinet has been meeting the men and women who live and work on the banks of the Loire. She has produced contemporary and familiar images of the Loire and life on its banks, which explore the links between the inhabitants and their river through very diverse and sometimes surprising uses. Photographer Thierry Moulat collected the testimonies of these residents.
This book also questions more broadly the current relationship between people and the river(s), the landscape being the revealing element of this interrelation.
Four co-authors, lecturers and researchers, geographers, sociologists and landscape architects, shed light on this subject.
On the web:

- Véronique Popinet
- Éditions Libel
- 2019
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