Shared landscapes in the Authion Valley

Published on 07 June 2016 - Updated 02 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

With a view to helping its inhabitants discover its territory’s natural and cultural specificities, the new municipality of Loire-Authion has joined forces with the Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park (PNR LAT). Their collaboration has resulted in dissemination of a booklet and an activity programme, free of charge and available to inhabitants and tourists alike.

The booklet “Histoires à semer… de la vallée de l’Authion” (Stories to spread about the Authion Valley) was designed by Virginie Belhanafi from the Regional Nature Park, with the help of the historian Fabrice Masson and geographer David Montembault. The booklet is illustrated by Benoît Perrotin and provides an edutaining approach to heritage, explaining how the valley developed over the centuries. It has been distributed to all the municipality’s households. 

An eclectic range of events is on the programme between 24 April and 19 September 2016, including exhibitions, lectures, workshops, visits and live shows. 

On the web:




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