What habitat in the outlying areas of the Authion-Loire Valley?

Published on 27 September 2013 - Updated 18 October 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

In the region of the Authion-Loire Valley, the Community of municipalities has been recognised as “pilot” for defining, over a 10-year period, an ambitious public habitat policy at the scale of the Community, aimed at translating the guidelines of the SCoT (Territorial Coherency Plan), which expects the population to increase between now and 2040, calling for a diversified range of suitable housing to be provided.

As such, to find an answer to the question: “How can diversified new populations be accommodated under the best conditions in an appealing outlying region? What type of housing is necessary to meet the new needs and for what groups of people?”, the Community of municipalitieshas decided to launch, in partnership with the County Council and Angers Region Urban Planning Agency (AURA), a study with a view to defining the objectives, analysing the current range of housing available and giving thought to the challenges of tomorrow. 




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