What do you think about the living environment landscapes in Pays de la Loire?

Published on 27 May 2014 - Updated 11 June 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

From June to September 2014, in order better get to know what qualities locals give to their everyday landscape, the Pays de la Loire DREAL (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing) is conducting sociological interviews with elected representatives, residents, technicians, association representatives, locals, tourists, etc.

This initiative is part of a project to create an Atlas of the landscapes of Pays de la Loire, the aims of which are to identify and qualify landscapes over the whole region.  

This study is based on three supplementary analyses:  

  • Understanding and describing specific material characteristics of today's landscapes, highlighting the marks left behind by natural and manmade processes,
  • Highlighting past, present and predicted dynamics resulting from manmade or natural factors as well as any pressures to which the landscape is subjected,
  • Recognising characteristics and specific value systems which are attributed to them by the stakeholders and populations involved.

The interviews focus on this final point. 

These group interviews (of 6 people maximum), lasting an hour and a half, will be conducted by Sylvie Roux, sociologist (Emanence). The identity of the people interviewed shall remain anonymous. To take part in these interviews, all of the information is provided on the DREAL website.  




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