Villandry gets ready to welcome you

Published on 25 July 2017 - Updated 25 August 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The upgrading of Villandry’s surroundings, undertaken by Tours Metropolis Loire Valley, was inaugurated on 10 July 2017. The Château receives close to 400,000 tourists a year; they will now benefit from added security and their visit made all the more pleasant thanks to soft mobility facilities and a new tourist office.

Cars are now parked in the enlarged car park (440 spaces) rather than alongside the road. Camper vans and coaches also have a reception and service area of their own. 

To get to the Château or the town, visitors cross a landscaped pedestrian square given over to soft mobility and bordered by shops. 

The new tourist office includes a more spacious information and exhibition area (90 m²). 

This Tours Metropolis Loire Valley project cost €2.85 M, including €1.21 M from Indre-et-Loire Départemental Council and €370,000 from the Centre-Loire Valley Region. 

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