“Val de Loire, our world heritage” photo competition

Published on 02 April 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Organised by the Val de Loire Mission, along with France 3 Paris-Ile de France-Centre, this photo competition is open to everyone until 31 May 2009 as part of the “Rendez-vous du patrimoine mondial” festival celebrating our world heritage. Countless prizes are up for grabs, including a hot-air balloon flight, a weekend at Chambord, or dinner on the Loire.

The theme of the photo competition is:

Val de Loire, our world heritage: which landscape would you like to pass on to your children?
The competition will reward the photos that capture the quality of the Val de Loire landscape.
50 prizes to be won:
The Val de Loire has been included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites since 2000 from Sully sur Loire (Loiret) to Chalonnes sur Loire (Maine-et-Loire).
This region is considered to be a " natural and cultural monument" reflecting human creative genius, particularly during the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment.
The river, with protected flora and fauna, flows through an exceptionally rich landscape of slate and tuffeau stone villages and towns, Loire ports, troglodytes, châteaux, abbeys, gardens, vineyards, forests and so much more…
This outstanding landscape has been shaped over 2,000 years of history. Surviving through to today, it is now up to us to look after it as we adapt our activities around it, thereby ensuring its preservation for the generations to come.

Log on to:  www.rendezvousdupatrimoinemondial.fr



Mission Val de Loire - Région Pays de la Loire - Région Centre               France 3 - Les Chroniques de Loire  




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