Urban planning: what citizens have to say

Published on 05 March 2015 - Updated 17 March 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

This book is the result of a thesis that Héloïse Nez defended in 2010, and for which she won a thesis prize from the regional authorities. Héloïse is a sociology lecturer at Tours University and member of the mixed research unit (UMR) on Cities, territories, the environment and societies (CITERES).

What do citizens contribute to the drafting of urban policies? 

How does their knowledge differ from that of local elected officials and technical specialists? 

How do political leaders and professionals react to this emergence of citizens' views? 

Are citizens' views taken into account in urban construction? 

This book provides insight into citizens' knowledge in participatory urban planning, on the basis of a sociological survey carried out over three years with inhabitants, associations, local elected officials and professionals involved in the participatory democracy process in Paris. 

Editions Le Bord de l'eau - January 2015 

288 pages, 20 euros 



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Photo d une rue de la ville de Luynes. On voit quelques maisons anciennes (tuffeau, colombages...) et une cabine téléphonique rouge.
Licence CC BY-NC-SA Francis Vautier / Mission Val de Loire


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