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UNESCO list of World Heritage sites: France proposes "The work of Vauban" and "The lagoons of New Caledonia"

Published on 22 January 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The Minister of Culture, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, announced on 5 January 2007 the government's decision to put forward proposals for "The work of Vauban" and "The lagoons of New Caledonia: reef system diversity and associated ecosystems" to be included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites.

The national committee of French World Heritage sites, which met on 22 November 2006 to examine applications for inclusion on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, gave a very favourable opinion on three applications: The lagoons of New Caledonia: reef system diversity and associated ecosystems (natural heritage), The work of Vauban, and The work of Le Corbusier around the world (cultural heritage).

As the World Heritage Committee limits the number of applications each year to one for natural heritage and one for cultural heritage, the Government decided to submit applications on 31 January for The lagoons of New Caledonia (natural heritage) and The work of Vauban (cultural heritage), which was given priority largely as a result of the celebrations for the tercentenary of Vauban's death in 2007; the applications will be examined and a decision taken by the World Heritage Committee in June 2008, after Bordeaux, whose application is already under scrutiny. The application for "The work of Le Corbusier around the world" will be submitted the following year.

France currently has 30 sites of natural and cultural heritage of the 830 included on the list of World Heritage sites.
Vauban Association



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