Tours: considering the city and getting around it

Published on 27 October 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

As the City of Tours begins drawing up its Local Planning Scheme (PLU), Tours(s)plus, the agglomeration is issuing a plan for getting around on foot. Tours is also distinguishable for its bicycle related developments and planning.


The «In the shoes of Pedestrians» map has been designed to encourage people to prefer to walk when making small journeys. This is an ordinary map of the city upon which are indicated walking times between various places. 
In terms of constructing cycle lanes, the city of Tours is classified as one of the best cities according to the « la France du vélo » cycling study carried out by the FUBicy and the city cycling club, with more than 35% of its roads boasting cycle paths.
The City of Tours begins drawing up its Local Planning Scheme (PLU):
« After the antique and medieval town, the renaissance city, the «Little Paris » era and the enormous challenge of reconstruction, a new era has arrived, which will see Tours make a balanced synthesis of its history and aspirations, of the European urban model and the sustainable metropolis. » - Jean Germain, Mayor of Tours, and Alain Devineau, Delegated deputy for Urban Development.
See the website dedicated to this initiative:



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