Tours along the tramway

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 19 February 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

The service of heritage promotion in Tours has just published the brochure "Laissez-vous conter Tours au fil du tramway" (Take in Tours on the tramway), an invitation to travel through the city along the tramway tracks. It is available on the City of Tours website, in the town hall and nearby towns, in the city's cultural establishments, as well as in the Tours tourist information office.

More than just a means of transport, the tramway constitutes a fourth landscape which, from North to South, crosses urban spaces filled with history and identity. Through the tram windows or on the occasion of an improvised journey, our when getting off at a stop, the first edition "Laissez-vous conter Tours" on the tramway is an invitation to discover renewed and beautified urban areas. 




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