Tours 1500, Arts Capital

Published on 19 March 2012 - Updated 03 April 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

The exhibition at the Tours Musée des Beaux-Arts, on display from 17 March to 17 June 2012, is the first major exhibition to focus exclusively on the intense artistic flourishing of the pre-Renaissance period in Touraine – spurred by the Royal presence and the Court. Through a selection of paintings, illuminated manuscripts, stained-glass windows, sculptures, enamels and tapestries, it sheds light on an exceptional production from countless public and private French and foreign collections.

The national interest of this exhibition has been recognised by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. It has also been accredited as a Loire Valley World Heritage because its subject bears directly upon at least two criteria of the UNESCO listing: the civilisation of the Renaissance and density of architectural monuments from this period. 

In relation with the exhibition

Guided tours of the exhibition are organised on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2.30 p.m. 

A lecture cycle is running from March to June. 

The Centre for Further Renaissance Studies is also hosting a symposium entitled "Tours 1500. Art and society in Tours at the beginning of the Renaissance" on 10, 11 and 12 May 2012. 

Itinerary in Touraine

An offshoot of this exhibition has been planned in Indre-et-Loire through a visit itinerary of 11 outstanding heritage sites across the département

A leaflet describing the itinerary will be handed out to exhibition visitors and available at the heritage sites themselves. It has been printed in 20,000 copies thanks to the support of the Mission Val de Loire and Crédit agricole. 


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