Tourism features in the First Call for Research Projects in the Centre Region

Published on 02 April 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

The Centre Region has decided to boost its research support policy and to increase the means implemented for greater economic, social and environmental impact.

Drawing on the strong points of regional economic skills and research, the Region is looking to encourage research on four major themes in line with the future needs of our region's inhabitants:
-    the habitat of tomorrow,
-    the management of movements of people and goods,
-    nutrition, health and wellbeing,
-     tourism and leisure.

As part of this first ever call for projects 2009, the Region is planning to provide €2.6M of funds in total. Calls for projects will be launched at regular intervals, with two calls a year expected.
The next call for projects is due to be launched in October 2009, with a similar-sized budget.
Région Centre



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