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The winners of Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park (PNR)’s Éco-trophées competition

Published on 29 January 2018 - Updated 15 May 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

At the end of November 2017, the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Nature Park revealed the names of the winners of its 9th Éco-trophée competition which rewards local stakeholders implementing innovative achievements or initiatives, combining economic development, social concerns and respect for the environment. Among the 10 winners, XX are located within the perimeter of the Loire Valley World Heritage area.

Among the winners, it is worth noting the prize for Caves de vins de Rabelais in Chinon for their collective initiative involving 13 wine-growers committed to reducing their ecological footprint: installation of insect hotels and nesting boxes in the vineyards, planting trees and hedges, management of grass-covered areas. 

As well as the prize for Fontevraud Royal Abbey for its circular economy and societal commitment initiative: controlled water and energy consumption, waste management, set up of an organic vegetable patch, managed by a social integration centre, to supply the hotel and restaurant. 

Check out the list of winners: http://www.parc-loire-anjou-touraine.fr/fr/le-parc/les-actualites/les-laureats-du-concours-eco-trophees-enfin-devoiles  



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