The eco-renovation of the Château de la Bourdaisière

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

After measuring its carbon footprint on 9th June 2009, the project is now at the stage of analysing the technological choices that should lead to a full restoration programme by the end of the year, spanning 3 years until 2012.


Louis Albert De Broglie, the Château's owner, would like the "restoration work [to be] in the context of eco-renovation based on the high quality environmental standards". The restoration studies for Château de la Bourdaisière were entrusted to Eco2initiative
Energy losses are considerable for a historical monument such as a castle, whose walls are difficult to insulate, even if measures can be taken to improve roof, door and window insulation.
But beyond energy management, the initiative also takes account of fluid management (water, mains drainage, heating), waste management  and health and well-being through the behaviour of personnel and visitors at the Château. An educational policy on sustainable development will be implemented alongside the 3-year restoration period, intended for hotel guests, the general public and tourism professionals.
L'éco-conception du château de la Bourdaisière



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