The platform is offering a MOOC on gardens

Published on 27 October 2017 - Updated 11 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The platform, which has been online since 2011, offers online courses (MOOCs) in the fields of tangible and intangible heritage. A new course is now available: “Les jardins, un patrimoine à conserver et à valoriser” (Gardens, heritage in need of conservation and promotion).

Between nature and culture, parks and gardens are living heritage which is in need of maintenance and conservation. This course looks to respond to questions concerning the conservation and management of historic gardens. The Ministry of Culture and Communication is implementing a specific policy from protection to daily management of heritage gardens by “art gardeners” all the way to their promotion through events for the general public.  

This online course will present both conservation initiatives and issues related to restoration from the appraisal phase (archaeology, preliminary surveys, technical expert assessments, etc.) all the way up to recreation in the field. Examples will be chosen from amongst the recent restorations of gardens from different regions in France.  

Furthermore, the course will shed light on current issues such as gardens for social assimilation. In addition, emphasis will be given to plant heritage and its history whether trees in parks or living botanical collections.  

Discover the course “Les jardins, un patrimoine à conserver et à valoriser”  

Also (re)discover at, a MOOC called Le patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco (UNESCO World Heritage) devoted to France’s contribution to the UNESCO World Heritage List, in terms of stakeholders, procedures and criteria. It showcases the State’s experience in this field and is based on examples of listed properties (monuments, historic centres, extended properties, serial properties and natural properties) presented by these sites’ managers. 



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