The Voyage en Patrimoine association comes to the Loire Valley

Published on 19 September 2018 - Updated 26 October 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Members of the Voyage en Patrimoine association arrived within the perimeter of the Loire Valley Unesco World Heritage Site. Having started in Roanne, after building their canoes, they will travel as far as Montjean-sur-Loire to immerse themselves in and understand the wealth of the cultural heritage of the region.

Leaving Roanne with the objective of reaching Montjean-sur-Loire by paddling through the 600 or so kilometres between the two, Marine and Wenceslas are also joined at various points by creative talents who will take part in a planned touring exhibition as of October 2019. 

Maisons de Loire association facilitators and other scientists are guiding them on a discovery of nature that is omnipresent but that is sometimes difficult to observe because of the caution that animals display in the presence of people. 

The maritime life of the Loire and its history are there with them at every stroke of the paddle in the water. The traditional vessels encountered on their journey, together with museums and various associations, help make river boatmen’s lives more tangible. 

There exists, alongside the river and its vagaries, a whole cultural heritage that is sometimes overshadowed by the glory of the chateaux of the Loire and which has reclaimed its place in the grand sweep of history. 

The exhibition will combine technologies and manual arts, making use of the two approaches to help get a better understanding, each in our own way, of our cultural and technical heritage, as well as, above all, the sheer wonder of the natural Loire. 

The châteaux redefine the river and highlight its beauty. Two canoes built for this trip drift closer. From down on the Loire, their occupants will discover one of the gems of our cultural heritage. An opportunity to take a fresh look, to mingle nature and culture, small-scale and large-scale history. 


You can follow their journey online! 



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