The UNESCO History project

Published on 21 October 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

Alongside the “60 years of UNESCO History” symposium, the organisation has committed itself to the UNESCO History Project, the aim of which is to promote UNESCO’s resources and collections to the general public and to researchers, to question the nature of the organisation’s role in the field of international relations and to encourage analysis of the organisation’s actions and impact.

The plan is to establish an expert committee made up of historians from different regions and cultures around the world in order to combine a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches.
Some of the planned initiatives include:
  • The award of study grants to doctoral students preparing their theses on subjects linked to the history of UNESCO 
  • The creation of UNESCO chairs in the history of international organisations 
  • The publication of monographs, books and pamphlets on the major themes in the history of UNESCO
  • The organisation of seminars and symposia
  • The development of an oral history programme 
  • Cooperation with similar history projects in other United Nations agencies (for example, the history of the United Nations: "The United Nations Intellectual History Project").



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