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The Rives de Beaugency: a management plan to protect an exceptional natural site

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

In order to protect this environment and the exceptional species that make their home there, the Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de la Région Centre is drawing up a management plan – a reference document stating the objectives and work to be carried out in the years to come.


On the programme:
  • upkeep by the mowing of existing meadows and restoration of areas that are becoming overgrown, particularly dry fields,
  • restoration of "boires", secondary branches to the Loire,
  • removal of ice jams as well as non-intervention on the alluvial forest,
  • restoration of the eroded cliffs of the île du Grand Lac,
  • new scientific inventories on such little known groups as bats and molluscs.
To debate this programme, the Conservatoire organised a briefing on Wednesday 24th March at 6.30pm, in partnership with the town of Beaugency.

The Rives de Beaugency

An integral part of the State-owned public river domain, the natural site of Rives de Beaugency has been managed by the Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de la Région Centre since 1992, with a view to protecting the heritage fauna and flora.
At the last count in 2009, 317 plant species have been identified, or almost 20% of flora in the Loire Valley, and several protected species: Small fleabane or Pulicaire vulgaire, protected at national level, Common meadow-rue and Loire sedge, protected at regional level. On a negative note, some exotic plants are also present - including the highly problematic Water primrose.

Among its many riches, the site also harbours three symbols of the Loire: the European beaver and two species of bird, the Common tern and Little tern.

Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de la Région Centre (CPNRC)



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