The Regional Nature park aims for sustainable tourism

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 18 February 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

In 2013, the Loire-Anjou-Touraine regional nature park applied for candidature in the first section of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in protected areas. This section concerns the land of protected spots, parties involved in tourism and local associations, with a sustainable touristic development strategie being defined, as well as a 5-year action plan.

The action plan was presented at a Forum uniting almost 100 parties involved in tourism, both public and private - on 29 November at Fontevraud Abbey. The actions planned include: networking between partners in tourism, the mediation of landscapes and the development of digital tools for heritage discovery. 

There are 119 European protected spots, of which 26 in France are enlisted in the Charter. These are, on the whole, Regional nature parks and National parks. The charter is implemented and managed by the EUROPARC (European non-governmental organisation for protected areas). 

We will have the response regarding the candidature in the next few months. 




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