These service providers all meet the “Loire à Vélo” reference system’s criteria, guaranteeing reception and services adapted to the needs of bicycle tourism. Since 1 January alone, 36 new service providers have been awarded the label.
In all, they comprise 139 accommodation providers, 12 bicycle
rental outlets, 9 visit sites and 5 tourist offices - the last two
categories having only been labelled in late 2009.
Labelling of new service providers continues (
view methods
of assessment).
With a view to helping them improve or develop their service
offer in the Pays de la Loire region,
the Regional Council has decided to extend its call for "
Accueil La Loire à Vélo." projects until
31 December 2010. Conditions remain the same, simply requiring
a minimum outlay of 500 euros
The Centre and Pays de la Loire regions, along with the
Mission Val de Loire, are masterminding the network of labelled
service providers, with:
- onlining of the
"Professional Manual" tool, which supplies essential
information on this major project (including "Who does what" and
"Promotional tools").
- organisation of the
st meetings of "La Loire à Vélo" brand
, on 30 March 2010 at Château de Villandry
New editions of the "La Loire à Vélo" topoguides
will be published in 2010, taking account of the complete
Nevers to the sea itinerary:
The "La Loire à Vélo" itinerary is on everyone's
lips these days - take, for example, this
recent report on Télé Nantes: