The Loire Valley world heritage on France 3 Centre

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 18 February 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

As part of its series on landscapes, France 3 Centre has produced a short reportage, which can be found online, on the action taken by the Mission Val de Loire and its partners in contributing to preserve and promote the cultural landscape of the Loire Valley. The examples of Bréhémont and Savonnières help to clarify what constitutes as heritage.

Stéphane Vallière from CAUE 37 (N.B. he has since resumed a new post far from our regions) explains his accompanying role with the Mission Val de Loire in understanding the landscape and contemporary issues associated with urban and touristic development.  

Isabelle Longuet, director of the Mission Val de Loire, explains how a management plan for the registered site has been drawn up, with a view to preserving and developing it




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