The Cave-dwelling Heritage: an asset for area development

Published on 28 August 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

A European Symposium in Saumur on 25 and 26 September at the Saumur Theatre

This symposium is being organised by the European network « Cavesnetwork: patrimoine souterrain - échanges et valorisation » (Interreg IIIC) (Caves Network: underground heritage – exchanges and promotion), whose aim is to enhance the effectiveness of policies and methods for local and regional development on sites with major economic and tourist potential.

These two days, devoted to discussion and exchange of experiences, are open to the general public and will focus on the following subjects:
- Life in a cave-dwelling area
- Protection and promotion.

Rémi Deleplancque, representative for education and culture at the Val de Loire Mission will offer a presentation on the secondary theme of “Training – education and raising awareness”.  

Further details and registration form from:



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