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Symposium on “Risks and leisure along the great rivers of Europe”, 22 and 23 September

Published on 25 August 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

As part of the 2nd Festival of the Loire, the town of Orléans is organising a European symposium as part of the “Freude am Fluss – improving life by the river” project.

Participants will work on three main themes over the course of the two days:
  • Is there a common European approach to the management and development of areas located alongside the major rivers?
  • Is this approach compatible with the risk of flooding they can represent?
  • What are the respective roles and expectations of the public authorities and players on the ground?
Using concrete examples and projects already up and running along the Loire, the Rhine and the other major European rivers, the symposium aims to allow the public authorities and European bodies represented to share their experiences and points of view. An exhibition of posters will present a selection of exemplary projects carried out by a number of German, Dutch and French local authorities along the Rhine, the Meuse and the Loire.



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