Study of the preservation and enhancement of Loir-et-Cher landscapes

Published on 02 November 2011 - Updated 24 November 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

With a view to drawing up concrete action plans specifically designed to deal with their local landscape issues, the Pays des Châteaux and the Pays Beauce Val de Loire have asked students from Tours “Ecole Polytech'” land management department, under the guidance of Laura Verdelli, to conduct a study.

These two local territories are within the bounds of the Loire Valley area listed by UNESCO. The Mission Val de Loire had the opportunity of presenting the challenges of maintaining the quality of the territory and of conducting a countryside survey on some pilot sites. When the management plan was drawn up, a rapid risk of commoditization of the landscapes was identified in respect of this Pays de la Loire sector, resulting in the following study being ordered. 


  • Territory background information
  • Countryside diagnosis from the perspective of countryside organisations
  • Threats and challenges
  • Actions recommended
    • Challenge 1: limit urban sprawl and uniform construction
    • Challenge 2: fight against landscape uniformity beyond town centres and suburbs
    • Challenge 3: fight against deterioration of territory and town approaches:
    • Challenge 4: organise the surroundings of major sites
    • Challenge 5: fight against the loss of public spaces as living places
    • Challenge 6: fight against the loss of local architectural codes

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