Statues in the town

Published on 05 March 2015 - Updated 17 March 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Based on the study of the general inventory of 186 monuments and 25 fountains built between 1800 and 1945 on squares and in streets, parks and gardens across municipalities in the Centre region, this general inventory book sheds fresh light on these statues and their context, touching on history and history of art alike.

It goes back over the development of this specific art genre which became established in the first half of the 19th century, bordered on "statuomania" around 1900 and changed form after World War I before falling out of fashion, especially with so many statues being melted down under the Occupation. 

The book also tells the story of their authors, sculptors and architects, as well as their commissioners, and pinpoints the main political, social and artistic issues as regards public statuary in the Centre region. Sketches, scale models and moulds forming part of the collections in the region's museums are presented in a catalogue and complete the analysis. 

Editions Lieux-dits Collection Cahiers du patrimoine - February 2015 

176 pages, 23 euros 

There will be events put on in Orléans, Châteauroux, La Châtre, Tours and Dreux to promote the publication of this book, from March to October 2015. 




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