Statue of the grave of Saint Gatien

Published on 08 October 2014 - Updated 20 October 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

A new statue, a piece by the artist Anny Barrois (1944-2013), will be erected on 18 October 2014 at the "Grave of Saint Gatien", at the corner of rues Alleron and Georges-Courteline, which, according to tradition, is the place where the first bishop of Tours was buried around the year 300.

This new statue will replace a statue which was recently vandalised. This initiative is the result of a partnership between the Ville de Tours, the parish of Notre-Dame-La-Riche and generous sponsors. 

Its inauguration is giving rise to an event open to all: 

10am conferences: 

  • Michel Laurencin: The life of Saint Gatien
  • Jean-Luc Porhel: The grave of Saint Gatien, a little known monument
  • Patrick Léon: The representation of baptism in Christian iconography
  • François and Jude Barrois: The life and works of the artist Anny Barrois

11am concert on Pleyel piano from the Jean Jude collection, by Alain Kremski 

11:30am inauguration and blessing of the statue 

4:30pm visit of the church by a tour guide 

Église Notre-Dame-La-Riche 

Rue Georges-Courteline, Tours 

Free admission. 

Further information:

Ville de Tours Management of Archives and Heritage 

Tel: +33 (0) 



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