[Fr] Rapport d'activités 2019-2024
Ce rapport d’activités rend compte des nombreux projets portés par la Mission Val de Loire et ses partenaires sur une période de 6 années, période...
Published on 11 October 2016 - Updated 16 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans
After an initial meeting organised in 2015, the public innovation stakeholders in Maine-et-Loire are once again invited to attend this two-hour opportunity to discuss their practices, intentions and hopes in an informal, social setting. This meeting will be organised on Tuesday 15 November 2016 in Angers, by the City of Angers Quality Organisation Council/Angers Loire Métropole & Mission Val de Loire.
For the third year, the French State will be organising the nationwide public innovation week in November with a view to "shining the spotlight afresh on a Government hard at work for the benefit of all users"
This year, we suggest delving into this question together:
What do we need in order to become more skilled innovators
and, in turn, ramp up public innovation in our administrations?
1. We can carry out participant observation (in each of our departments)
2. We can call on other skills
3. We can share and tell each other about our experiences
4. We can discuss or act on a joint subject
5. We can enrol in training
6. We can devise new methods...
Bien reçu !
Nous vous répondrons prochainement.
L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.