Seminar entitled "Landscapes: between everyday life and heritage?"

Published on 20 August 2013 - Updated 11 September 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

To organise its 2nd seminar entitled "Landscapes: Readings, Visions, Creations", the ANVPAH & VSSP are joining forces with the CAUE 41 as part of its 3rd "Nature & Landscape" meetings. This joint seminar on 26 & 27 September 2013 in Blois will be an opportunity to address the theme of transforming landscapes into heritage worth conserving and enhancing from three viewpoints: the question of landscape values, that of its development or deplanning and that of the transformation of ordinary landscapes into heritage worth conserving and enhancing.

Today, heritage value is no longer attributed solely by experts to outstanding sites, but also by those who live there to their everyday landscapes. This new trend for the widespread transformation of landscapes into heritage – often excessive – also corresponds to the disappearance of the uses underpinning the landscapes. It is borne by values that raise questions: who determines them and represents them? 

What new uses are coming about? 

This trend also brings about increasing numbers of new tools for managing landscapes in ever more diverse areas, which transform the depictions and practices of local stakeholders.  

This event aims at exploring the contemporary links between the notions of ordinary landscapes and heritage around their founding values. 

This seminar will enable experiences at several levels to be shared: at local and international level alike, local officials, technicians and researchers will come to present and debate their projects. 

Registration by 13 September




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