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  • Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire is labelled "Petite Cité de caractère"("Small City of Character")

Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire is labelled "Petite Cité de caractère"("Small City of Character")

Published on 17 July 2019 - Updated 03 September 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

On 1 July, Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire joined the network of around 180 Small Cities of Character within France. Eight of these now line the perimeter of the World Heritage-listed area of the Loire Valley!

The municipality of Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire, a site patrimonial remarquable (outstanding heritage site), is located within the Loir-et-Cher département and the community of municipalities of Grand Chambord. 

This peaceful village on the left bank of the river Loire, and Chambord’s historic port, was once a lively place that welcomed pilgrims, artisans, traders and various goods. In addition to wine and other local products, from 1519 building materials for the Chambord Estate were unloaded at the port, to continue on their journey to the construction site a few kilometres to the south.  

Port de Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire

Today, visitors are attracted by its tree-lined banks and harmonious buildings.  

As part of the festivities associated with the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance in the Centre-Val-de-Loire Region, on 6 and 7 September the town is celebrating the beginning of Chambord castle’s construction with an event based on the “Journey of the Stone”. A former barn, located in Place de l’église, is to be converted into a centre for cultural activities which is to be unveiled in 2020.  

Eight municipalities or delegated municipalities on the perimeter of the World Heritage-listed area of the Loire Valley have now been labelled “Small Cities of Character”: Savennières, Denée, Blaison-Gohier, Le Thoureil, Chenehutte-Trèves-Cunault, Turquant, Montsoreau and Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire!  

Further details

Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire is awarded the title of “Small City of Character” , La Nouvelle République newspaper, 12 July 2019 

The "Small Cities of Character" project  



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