"Rendez-vous aux troglos" in 2009

Published on 01 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The CATP, an association seeking to add value to cave-dwelling heritage, wants to organise a popular events programme based on the troglodyte phenomenon, the first instalment of which will take place on 6 and 7 June 2009. The principle of these “Rendez-vous aux troglos” is, over the course of a weekend, to open cave sites up to the public, whether the sites are public or private, and whether or not they are usually open to the public.


The aim is to demonstrate a representative selection of forms, functions and usages associated, in the past and present, with cave-dwelling: habitats (primary or secondary), wine cellars, mushroom beds, storage sites, chapels, museums, farms, gîtes, restaurants, meeting rooms, pigeon lofts, workshops, and so on.
In this first edition, the sites will be spread over the Maine-et-Loire and Indre-et-Loire départements and mainly located along the Loire and its tributaries.
It should be noted that the CATP has redesigned its internet presence with a new site which presents the association and its activities, the cave-dwelling heritage of the Loire Valley and its "troglo" resource centre.
The website:



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